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Print From Text


7 comentarios

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    Ian Cummings

    Are you trying to print 150 barcodes for a single label, or in technical terms, to print 150 barcodes per issue (XS) command?  Or are you sending multiple print jobs of the print code above, be it in the same file, or split between multiple files that get sent to the printer?  How are you sending the merged print code to the printer at print time?

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    Legacy Poster

    I do not merge them, I send 150 seperate text at once.

    Can you tell me how to merge it, what is the seperator if I want to merge text?

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    Ian Cummings

    By merge, I mean your template printer code file combined with the variable print time data.


    To confirm, each of your print jobs is for a single label print quantity, so if you want to print 150 labels you generate 150 separate files like in your initial post?


    How are the print jobs being sent to the printer and what type of printer port/cable is in use?  To me it sounds like you're not using the Windows spooler system which is why print jobs are not getting queued properly, and indeed ultimately lost.

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    Legacy Poster

    Its connected by LPT and I actually dont know what protocol I'm using, Our erp program has a command like printtext and does the job.

    I think if I cant concatenate all the texts and send them together it will work.

    In first topic I have the text Im sending. Its created by bartender, but I dont know the structure, there is variables in between, and job end command for the last command. If I can merge the texts appropriately it would be a valid single text file telling printer to print 150 barcodes therefore there would be no queue.

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    Ian Cummings

    The command {XS;I,0001,0002C4201|} is the issue command that also specifies the print quantity of the job.  The second parameter sets the quantity (0001) and here we can clearly se a print quantity of one.  If you want 150 identical copies to print, then you would set this parameter to 0150 giving a full command of: {XS;I,0150,0002C4201|}


    If on the other hand your're sending the print code, as in your first post, 150 times using a non-spooled print system (like the Windows print spooler), then at some point the print buffer is going to fill up and print jobs will be lost.

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    Legacy Poster

    And about concatenatng the text's, What about im sending 150 different barcodes, not identical?

    Is it possible to merge them as well?

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    Ian Cummings

    You need to start reading the below white paper and associated BarTender HELP documentation on Printer Code Templates:



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