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Warning Message # 2606 And # 1904


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    Legacy Poster

    #2606 Error

    One or more characters in a received string do not satisfy the
    requirements specified in the "Character Filter" dialog.
    Original Data:    "<data>"
    New Data:    "<data>"

    #1904 Error
    <The text for this message is user defined using the CancelPrinting
    function found if VB Scripting>
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    Ben Bloomer

    Did you ever find the solution for this issue?  I am having the same one.

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    Laterrius Johnson

    Anyone ever figure this out?

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    Yahaira Dominguez

    Hello did anyone ever figure out the solution to this?



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    Peter Thane

    Not sure about 1904 but you can come across 2606 when using certain barcodes linked to databases where the data is incorrect type is incorrect. 

    For example: using a GS1 barcode including a date where the barcode requires the date in YYMMDD format (ie 200623) but the date in the database is 23rd June 2020.

    So you may need to look at what data is in the database and compare it with the Transforms tab requirements such as in the image below:  



    I hope this helps

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    Peter Thane

    Quick follow up: I think 1904 maybe connected with the imported data being either the wrong type or else not matching the character requirements in other ways and so it looks like these come fsom issues with the data your are trying to import into BarTender 

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    Yahaira Dominguez

    funny thing in order for me to fix error message #2606 I just had to reenter the information and that fix my problem.

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    Peter Thane

    I would guess there may have been a spurious character in the string somewhere, possibly a none printable character like a carriage return or a space etc


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