Touch buttons to select category to filter the data for recorder picker
Need to create on a touch screen to select items to print.
The database is MSSQL. Using 3 tables. Table 1 items. Table 2 dept. Table 3 category.
In the items table each item have a dept and a category.
In the category table each category have a dept.
So what I am looking to create a form to select the dept, to show only the category that is in this dept,
and then select the category to show only the items with this dept and category to print.
and then print the item
All forms shuld be with buttons so the user dont need a keyboard to print the items.
Peter Thane
★ BarTender Hero ★
I dont think that is achievable via buttons, but you could use radio button inputs so that they would look like this
For those you would need to add on 3 filters to your database, one for each of the settings you need to query and then add a Radio Button List for each of these onto your form and link those to the query prompts.
The Category box should also be dependent on the Dept value and the Item dependent on the Category:
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Moses O
★ BarTender Hero ★
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