Excel Records only <Rows> or only <Columns>
Hey guys,
i have an excel spreadsheet like this.
I want to print every record - not only one row or one column.
like this:
First all records from A1 to A35 then B1 to B35 and so on.
Is that possible? Or can i only print one row/column ?
Another question.
Is i possible to print the whole batch (A1 -> G35) and than repeat for x times?
If i select copies to like 3 then the print will look like this:
A1,A1,A1,A2,A2,A2,A3,A3,A3............ it is repeating every record.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
I dont think that is possible, other than perhaps via VB but not a clue how or even if that could be done either, just using a single label
There is a way to configure it to print the 3 x A1 then the 3 x B1 etc followed by then the 3 x A2 and onto the end. This would require that a field be added to the label for each column with a counter and conditional printing that only A records are printed when the counter is 1, B when 2 etc.
You could make an identical label for each column and add an Action to each label to tell BarTender so that when you print all the A records (and however many copies you want of each) the Action then opens the B label and prints X copies of each record in column B, when it completes it in turn opens the C label and prints all of this records etc.
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