How to generate a Picture from picking a part # from Excel Database
I am currently developing a label. I have an excel database with a Column for Part # (ie ABC1234) and a Column for Pic (ie Pick.jpg).
In the Form field I have a Drop down list that is linked to a Datasource for the Part #, I have a linked Image on the Template page to an External Picture File that gets the file from database field with the column for pic selected.
when I do print preview the Image does not change dependent on the part # how to I make it change based on Part #?
any help would be appreciated
You need to set the source of the picture as External Picture Source configuring it to know which database field contains the picture file and in what folder/location the picture can be found.
If the database only contains the file name of the image and not the file type (ie no .jpg at the end for example) then use the Get file name from Data Source option and on the left the Data Source will appear and you can configure this to link to you Database field from there. Then either add a separate substring or a Transforms>Suffix with the dot and file type for the the image
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Thank you that helped
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