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Userform Information to Save data in database along with SN's printed


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    Raj M

    Yes, this is possible.
    In BTDR designer, under form properties (right click on the form to get properties), you will see actions. Under that you will look for Form Closed option, as you want the data to be saved after it has been entered in. There are many acitons here. In the database option you have abilty to update/insert a database record, you also will have options for sending web request with payloads for greater flexabilty.

    You will have to give the fields entered in this userform a named data source connection and have automation level license I believe. 



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    Peter Thane

    A simpler solution, if you dont need to record to a specific pre existing database would be to just log the respective details in a simple text file via the Admnister>Log Setup menu option

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    Abby Rauscher

    With the database connection under actions, none of the databases work. I am looking for it to dump into Excel, Access, or maybe our MRP system.

    The computer we use to print out a label has a generic login. We also need to track the job number and rev with each print. That is where the form comes into play. We have more information that needs to be documented. 

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    Raj M

    Hi Abby,

    I got it to work for a simple access file.
    Basically, I have 2 fields which are named data sources. Code and Serial
    I have these fields now mapped onto the BTDR form
    After that I setup the form actions. Insert a database record
    I created a new access file, and created a new table with the fields i wanted. Code and Serial, along with ID key field which is there by default. In database connection setup in BTDR, I selected OLE DB Connection, selected access driver, under connection setup/data link properties, i entered in the file path. and clicked ok. I left the username and passwords as they were defaulted.

    After this, if all is setup right, you should see your access tables and columns pop up under the database connection section in BTDR, update the value section to reflect the named data sources created earlier. you can do that by inserting variable (highlighted green). or typing in the named datasource between %%
    After I send a print job and the form closes, it takes the values I entered in the form and adds a row into the access database. This is quite a simple one, you could also add the print date time, user name, computer details etc.

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    Raj M

    As Peter suggested, you could log them into a text file as CSV data and then have those saved in a specific folder. Then have a batch import import of the same onto your MRP system.

    I dont think excel is possible as its not much of a relational database, I dont know what MRP is unfortunatly. If it is like a ERP system maybe they have webhook or API integrations built in. You could use those along with the output actions- Send a web service request. I havent much knowledge about that. 

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    Peter Thane

    I guess it is something wrong with your config or else (with Excel) you have the file open elsewhere. You need to make an ODBC connection and use the ODBC Administrator option to select/link to you Excel file. 

    I made my Job Number and Serial fields named data sources so I could use the Insert Variable option to populate the fields in my recording database with the printed data

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    Abby Rauscher

    These options still don't work for me. I still can't connect to an Access Database. 

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    Peter Thane

    Is your Access file held locally or on a network? If the latter try testing it as a local file and see what that does


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