Zebra GK420t and Bartender
I am testing a Zebra GK420t printer with Bartender. I am currently using the demo license as production hold the Pro license.
The goal is to add a GS1 Matrix into our labels. Before hand tried the Zebra Designer software and those printed well. The matrix is nice and sharp.
Tried with Bartender and the matrix has rounded edges, like it is smudged. The scanner app picks it up and reads it, but it will fail our quality inspection because it is out of spec.
Tried with Bartender Zebra driver, still the same issue.
Printed it on A4 printer from Bartender, it is nice and sharp.
Have anyone had that issue before?
You could try adjusting the settings in the Print Method on the Data Source screen of the DataMatrix and see if that makes a difference.
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