Multiple labels specified in one csv
Can Bartender handle in one CSV file different labels ?
Sequence is for instance :
Label A (with variabel information and with a certain amount of labels) - all specified in one row of the CSV file
label B
Label C
Label A
Label B
Assumption in above is that Label A,B and C will be printed on the same labelformat which is on the printer.
Only the layout from the labels A B and C is different.
I need somewhere to tell Bartender in which field Bartender can find the needed label ( the same way as where I specify the amount of labels which should be printed- but I do not know if this is possible.
Yes you can do that, if you go to the Support Centre home page and scroll down to Webinars the Building a File Integration Using a CSV file goes through how you can make the label format name # that is contained in the data string(s) in the CSV file a variable field that Integration Builder can use.
(# the label name in the file does not need to include .btw file extension as you can add a fixed element in the integration "Document" field after the %....% part)
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Hello Mr Peter Thane,
thank you for the quick reply - I surely will follow your advise and will let you know the outcome.
André Marginet
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I have 169 fields in my csv file, can handle Bartender/integration Builder this amount of fields ? Do you know what the maximum is of the number of fields ?
( The 169 fields are historical growed and to keep it simplier we decided to get all data in one record on our Power system which provides the different data for our different sorts of labels)
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Not sure on the max number of fields Andre, it wouldn;t surprise me if it was 255 (ie hex FF) but dont know.
I have not used Integration Builder with a CSV file with this many fields before but I seem to recall setting up a label using either Commander, which preceded Integration Builder or perhaps even Data Detector, that preceded that some years before, that produced an A4 size shipping manifest sheet that had a quite a way in excess of 100 fields on it. That was one fun label to setup and link to the dummy/setup CSV , not!
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Fao of Mr Peter Thane,
thank you for your reply. The "master" csv file from 169 fields has indeed historical backgrounds. I am migrating now from a software called "Etiquette" towards Bartender. The company who developped "Etiquette" does no longer support or even exists no more for more than a decade.
Our "master" csv is build up on our Power System and the fields in it comes from +- 50 files or more on the power system.
For the purpose of Etiquette we created 1 csv file and based on these fields (with consistent rankin in the csv) we created in Etiquette different labels with different layout's, different fields etc.. So we had one CSv and many labels. The alternatieve was many CSV and many labels. (and probably for the creation of new layout's each time programmation on our Power system) We do not use all 169 fields in the same label, I think we have a label with 80 fields
Once all is created ( CSV,layout, labels etc ) it is simple to print labels
For the end user it is now simple :
1 ) He has to be sure the correct label is on printer
2) He selects on the power system the label he wants (and filles up the maste csv)
3) He transfers the master csv to a certain place
4) Etiquette scans the map, integrates the new csv into a database and send it to a component of Etiquette where the merge between info and the label occurs and the labels are printed.
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