[Solved] BTXML spooling to wrong printer
My BT2019 integration seems to be ignoring the printer that I specify in the BTXML file (Sato260B) and spooling to a different printer (Sato300A). I don't know why it is choosing to send to this printer -- Sato300A isn't the printer chosen in the BT Designer file (PDF) or windows default printer (Microsoft Print to PDF) either. What do I need to do differently? I have the following BTXML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<XMLScript Version="2.0" Name="Label">
<Command Name="Job1">
<Print WaitForJobToComplete="true" JobName="Sato260B_4000" Timeout="1000" ReturnPrintData="false" ReturnSummary="false" ReturnLabelData="false" ReturnChecksum="false">
<Format>"c:\Label\Product Lbl_Formats\10Wint.btw"</Format>
<RecordSet Name="Sato260B" Type="btTextFile" AddIfNone="true">
The following response appears in the Integration Console, and the other actions successfully:
<Response Version="2.0" Name="Label" AppName="BarTender" AppVersion="2019 R3" AppVersionId="1110" AppVersionMajor="11" AppVersionMinor="10" AppVersionBuild="138758" AppInstancePid="2800" AppInstanceGuid="{5A2BBF04-14DF-403B-AA76-8DF1B90D5E72}"><User>JR36126-SUPERVI\SYSTEM</User><Server>JR36126-SUPERVI</Server><Command Name="Job1"><Print ID="12" GUID="{1EE255BB-9A17-4EF9-8ABF-DBA761F431E6}" JobLastStatus="Creating" JobCompleted="false" JobName="Sato260B_4000"><JobStatus Completed="false"><TimeJobStart>2019-07-16T16:41:02.796</TimeJobStart><TimeJobQueued>2019-07-16T16:41:03.586</TimeJobQueued><TimeJobSent>2019-07-16T16:41:04.594</TimeJobSent><LastStatus>Creating</LastStatus><Description>Application started creating the print job.</Description></JobStatus><Message Id="1750" Guid="{9775ACDB-386D-4CE2-9C6A-73F5BA28A511}" Severity="Information" Category="Printing" Response="OK"><Text>BarTender successfully sent the print job to the spooler.
Job Name: Sato260B_4000
Document: 10Wint.btw
Printer: Sato300A</Text></Message><Message Id="1100" Guid="{5BB93357-1999-4464-8A58-A4B42BA91DE3}" Severity="Information" Category="Automation" Response="OK"><Text>Job Status
Printer: Sato300A
Job ID: 12
Status: Creating
Description: Application started creating the print job.</Text></Message></Print></Command></Response>
Michael Finch
★ BarTender Hero ★
Solved. Phone support quickly identified that I should not have quotes around the printer. The corrected line should be:
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Gert Riedl
★ BarTender Hero ★
My printername from BTXML script is also not working:
<Printer>\\jeglprt01\Zebra ZT420R (203 dpi)</Printer>
Directly printing from Designer is working correctly.
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Craig Gaedke
★ BarTender Hero ★
My printer name from my BTXML file is also not working. My integration file is locking up when it trys to send to my printer. Printing directly from Bartender designer does work.
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Travis Truax
★ BarTender Hero ★
Job Redirection is a newer feature added to BarTender, and although redirection may work OK, it can be very unintuitive with larger numbers of networked printers especially if they are spread out geographically.
Depending on your settings, BarTender can redirect labels to another printer when the first printer runs out of media, etc.
Since you're required to have a default printer, and redirection can't be completely disabled- this can lead to unhelpful redirections, and if you send a job to Integration Builder with an incorrect printer name referenced in the BTXML, BarTender will redirect to the default printer in Windows (regardless of whether its a label printer, or a standard laser paper printer).
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