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Make SDK files open source and target .Net core 3.1 / .Net 5.0


27 comentarios

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    Roberto Londono

    Thank Mischa, for the message. I also,  I try to use Bartender with .Net Core 3.1 gives me the following error. 


    System.IO.FileNotFoundException: 'Could not load file or assembly 'Seagull.Framework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=109ff779a1b4cbc7'. The system cannot find the file specified.'


    when I try to do :


    using (Image thumbnailImage = LabelFormatThumbnail.Create(fileName, Color.Transparent, 150, 150))





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    Mischa de

    dotnet  core doesnt work

    you need full dot net 4.7.1 / 4.7.2 / 4.8  


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    Chandra Paudel

    Guys, are there any libraries available as of now for .net core/standard support?

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    Jasper Wen

    Currently at this time as of BarTender 2021 R2, the BarTender .NET SDK doesn't support Microsoft .Net core 3.1 / .Net 5.0. It is currently built-on and requires full Microsoft .net framework 4.7.2 or higher.

    We are aware of this customer request and already have an open feature request in our system to our development team to hopefully be added in a future release of BarTender.

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    Timothy Bassett

    Plus 1 for .net core version.

    The writing is on the wall with the release of .net 5.0 that dotnet framework is going to die.  We want to stay with bartender, and a .net core version will ensure that.

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    Valentin B

    +1 for .NET 5 support.

    It's been a year since this request was first opened and six months since .NET 5 was publicly released.

    Do you have a tentative time frame for when BarTender .NET SDK will work with .NET 5?

    Thank you.

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    Timothy Bassett

    It would be nice for Seagull to respond to this thread, with something like "we're working on it, hang on", "it's going to be a while", "tough luck, not going to happen", so that we can plan our roadmap accordingly.....

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    Al Perez

    Hi Timothy, thanks for posting at our community site! I've opened a ticket on your behalf with our Technical Support team! While you may not see consistent updates on feature requests through our community site, we do reach out to users who requested this information through Tech Support. I provided you with more details on this in the email.

    Thanks again!

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    Mischa de

    Hello Al,

    I also am interested in this. Sign me up please.






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    ivan martinez

    +1 for .NET 5 support!

    Any news? 

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    Mustafa Cetin

    That would be really nice => .net Core Support.

    Any news about that?

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    Dušan Hudeček


    are there any news about .NET5 / .NET6 support? Is there some expected date it will be available?

    Or is it possible to use it "somehow" in .NET5 with some limitations since .NET allows to use .NET Framework assemblies from .NET Core / .NET 5 with some limitations?

    Thanks for information.

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    Timothy Bassett

    >> Is there some expected date it will be available?<<


    I suggest you look @ the date of the original post and the lack of positive feedback from Seagull and draw your own conclusion.  ;-)

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    Mischa de

    maybe someone needs to reverse engineer these dll's and update them to .net 6

    i'm sure this will wake the dev team of bartender up in a sec



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    Timothy Bassett

    >>i'm sure this will wake the dev team of bartender up in a sec<<

    I sent several emails letting them know we were not going to renew our support contracts, that didn't wake them.

    I am pretty sure that would be a violation of your license and potentially illegal.

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    ivan martinez

    >> I sent several emails letting them know we were not going to renew our support contracts, that didn't wake them.<<

    We are developing a new print server and it is not an option for us to develop it in a .net framework only because bartender is not supported in .NET.

    If no answer are provided about .NET bartender libraries we were not going to renew our support contracts.

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    Mischa de

    I would guess it can't take up more than 30 minutes to recompile these librariies against .net standard 2.1



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    Xabier Clemente

    Hi @all!

    We have discussed this matter with our development team and I wanted to share with you what the current situation is and our immediate plans for the future:

    We currently support the 4.x range for .NET. However, thanks to Microsoft's original naming convention, there seems to be somewhat of a mix-up as Framework 5.0 is yet to be released, and thus, it's not something we currently support.

    There is a Core 5.0, however, this is not supported at this moment. 

    The moment Framework 5.0 releases, our development team will begin the recycling and updating process. That being said, I can't give you an ETA on this since this is not something we currently have in our immediate roadmap.

    I'll keep you posted the moment I hear something new regarding this topic.

    Until then, I would recommend upvoting the OP post and keeping this thread alive; this way we can transfer your queries to the dev. team and give you more regular updates.

    Enjoy the weekend and stay safe! :)

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    Mischa de


    The mixup is at your side i'm afraid.
    Maybe you guys should read up about .net core / .net 5 / .net 6 (LTS)

    The old .net 5 you are waiting for is never coming.

    Please update your .net 4.x to .net 6 asap.

    best regards,




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    Xabier Clemente

    Hello Mischa,

    Thank you for your comments. I'll check with the team and update you.


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    Timothy Bassett

    >>Maybe you guys should read up about .net core / .net 5 / .net 6 (LTS)<<


    I *think* you just got your answer.  If they don't even understand the roadmaps and differences of the frameworks, it's very clear that nothing has been done and unlikely anything will be release in the near future.

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    Dušan Hudeček

    Hi Xabier Clemente,

    I am afraid that if you are not familiar with naming convention of microsoft then you are not use .NET very much and it gives us ETA for development.

    Thanks for reply we will discuss with our customer how to proceed since ETA can be a couple of years.

    Microsoft uses .NET Framework for classic framework 2.0, 3.5, 4.5 ... 4.8. 4.8 will be the last version of the framework.
    Simultaneously .NET Core was created: 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1 and later to avoid confusion microsoft didn't release .NET Core 4.0 but skipped it and immediatelly created .NET 5 (also removed "core" from name).
    So now only .NET5, .NET6 .... will be used.

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    Admin Admin

    it has been a year and still no updates. What is the deal?

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    Paul Spinks

    Do we have any progress updates on this topic? This was discussed back when we had .NET 5 and we're now on .NET 7 and in a couple of months we'll be on .NET 8.

    I'd be even be happy if we got a .NET 5 release so don't have to use a legacy framework.

    If you could share any insight that would be much appreciated.

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    any update??

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    Looks like Bartender is not going to give support for .NET core even after having .NET core in its REST API.

    I am still confused why they are not even Nice Label is giving support for .NET core.

    Are they willing to make the customer suffer and loose them to their competitors?

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    Lorenzo Viola

    Good morning support team.

    There is any real plan to complete .NET core WindowsForm SDK integration ?

    It's important to real customers to have .NET core integrated inside WindowsForm application, avoiding complications/transformations/etc with separated services (like REST API) when it's not necessary.




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