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PDF Printing - Images not printing


4 comentarios

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    fernand obama

    there is a bug about it. The problem has been reported and hope to be resolved with the next update. The problem is with formats that support transparent images, such as png. until then I manage using jpg format. I hope that helps to you too.




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    Kamdon Bird

    Bartender 2022 R8
    Windows 10 Enterprise: 22H2

    My image also drops off when using the Native PDF from Bartender. I'd really like to use the Native PDF because I can specify the folder to send to and don't need to be physically in front of the computer to save the file (unlike the Microsoft to PDF). The Native PDF is nice for functionally, but its NOT working well for verification of the physical content on the label itself. Our compliance team works out of office and requires a PDF copy to view and I'm working to find a solution to make that easier but can't get the native PDF to work.

    I've tried to install Bulldog Zip Printer but it responds as the same as Microsoft to PDF where it requires me to be physically be in front of the computer to save the file.

    When using the Microsoft to PDF printer/ Bulldog Zip printer, the label print DOES show the missing image, but requires a person to manually save the photo (which id like to not have). This way other people from other departments can easily go to our database and print the labels they need and then view the "Label PDF folder" to easily verify how the label looks, as if it was being printed on a Label printer (which does also show the missing images)

    Native PDF print

    Microsoft to PDF print

    Honeywell Printer

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    Peter Thane

    I have seen this with some physical printers before and maybe the same is happening here, but try shifting the image further to the right slightly on the label and see what that does.

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    Peter Lykkegaard


    I have had luck embeddding the image as base64 encoded binary
    Not a suitable solution for everyone but worth a try

    Works from the designer but also with new Rest API in Bartender 2022
    I am using Bartender 2022 R8


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