Need working command line for SystemDatabaseWizard that connects to remote DB without SQL Express
How do we connect to a remote SQL DB via a command line (e.g., via a script) so that the novice user can use Bartender without having to do it themselves? We need to call the "Custom Connections Settings" branch, it would seem. (Actual names obfuscated)
Running SystemDatabaseWizard.exe via command line such as: "C:\Program Files\Seagull\BarTender 2021\SystemDatabaseWizard.exe" /Silent /Log=C:\temp\BartenderDatabaseConnectionR6.log /Type=Connect /Server=ServerName\InstanceName /Authentication=Windows /Database=DB_name
The execution log shows an attempt to install SQL Express, which never completes. SQL Express is already installed by the Bartender 2021 R6 deployment, since we can't prevent that.
[08/23/21,04:20:22] Connecting to BarTender System Service...
[08/23/21,04:20:22] Connecting to test-5820...
[08/23/21,04:20:22] Successfully connected to BarTender System Service on test-5820.
[08/23/21,04:20:22] Connection string: data source=ServerName\InstanceName;integrated security=SSPI;initial catalog=DB_name
[08/23/21,04:20:22] Installing SQL Express on test-5820...
[08/23/21,04:20:22] Executing C:\Program Files\Seagull\BarTender 2021\Database\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe /ACTION=UPGRADE /HIDECONSOLE /INSTANCENAME="InstanceName" /Q /IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS /UpdateEnabled=0
Not sure but I take it you are using the Enterprise edition as only that version can link to a central/remote system database
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