DB maintenance (SQL) error ID 10107
we have been using Bartender (2016 R8 11.0.3153) for several years without problems.
however we now noticed that the SQL database is 8GB!! (our regular company DB is less than 3GB for reference) and that the bartender scheduled maintenance has actually never worked!
windows event log shows error ID 10107
Stored Procedure: [dbo].[SpBackupDeleteOlderRecords] Failed; Inner Message: No se puede abrir el dispositivo de copia de seguridad 'D:\BarTender\backup\Backup2021.'. Error de sistema operativo 3(El sistema no puede encontrar la ruta especificada.).
Fin anómalo de BACKUP DATABASE.
the translation of the error is that it can't find the route to that backup folder (i tried changing it, same error)
this error show up as soon as i hit the "run maintenance now" button in the admin console interface
can you help to fix this?
thank you.
Hi Sven,
Welcome to the BarTender Community Forums!
Could you tell us what BarTender Edition are you running? This information can be located on the "Help > About" tab on BarTender Designer. In case this is an Automation edition, please keep in mind this would require the system database to be stored locally or it will not function correctly.
Was the BarTender System Database moved to a new location? Also, are we using an account with administrative rights when trying to run database maintenance?
Finally, we would recommend you update your BarTender 2016 Service Release to the latest revision (BT2016 R9), as it contains several bugfixes and security patches. You can find instructions on how to update to the latest revision on the previous link.
Thank you in advance.0 -
Hello and thanks for your reply.
- it's automation. why does the database have to be locally? this was never explained during install and setup. it doesn't even make sense when using SQL as a program doesn't care if the SQL server is on or elsewhere. it's on our SQL server which is another VM server on our local network, but not the same machine as our APPS server where bartender resides. we don't want any data to be stored on our apps server, that's why we have a separate database server.
- no, it has always been there for the past 3years, we just didn't notice the problem until now
- yes, the admin console was executed with admin rights
- we will update to R9, but patchnotes don't seem to mention anything about this problem. also, like you said above it might be because the database is not on the same server?
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