SystemDB migration to a new server
Hello everyone,
Just one question regarding Bartender-SystemDB for Bartender 2016 R8. We use this version and I'm inherited this maintenance form former employee. Due to some company req I need to move SystemDB to another Sql server while Bartender desiger will remain on the same server as it is now. These two are already on different domain servers only now we need to move this database to new one. I'm aware of procedure of moving databases to a new sql server, but not sure where do I need to define within Bartender Designer that this database is now on some other location. I'm aware there should be Administration Console but I don't have this app on server where Bartender Designer is, and in Tools menu I only see Licence Server and User settings. I repeat that I did not install this on the first place so I'm asking this question that may seem as stupid one.
Thank You in advance.
Unless you have the Enterprise Edition of BarTender (check the Help>About screen if you are not sure) then the System Database must be held locally to the BarTender install.
I no longer have access to 2016 but I seem to recall that Admin Console was one of the companion applications for 2016, although this was greatly enhanced in 2019 and 2021. Have you checked to see if is present in the BarTender Program Group as I believe you will need this to amend/maintain an existing System Database
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Hello Pete,
Thank you for the reply, version is BarTender Designer 2016 R8 License: Automation. Not sure if this version contains Admin Console, cannot find info online. From suite there is only Bartender Designer installed and there is also Licence Server and Licence Server Remote Administration in Program group besides Help manuals. By browsing this apps I cannot find anywhere pointing to the remote server which has this database. Maybe software is not using that db at all not sure, I set it offline and test as soon as I'm back in the office. Also I cannot find System Database locally, can the software work without this database?
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Yes for Automation the installation/configuration of the System Database is optional unless you are using some of the companion applications or logging to it
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