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Raw time data generated by System Db


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    Kevin Thurner

    Here are two screenshots to illustrate my point.  The first is a report generated in History Explorer, the second is that same report exported into Excel.  The Excel time field defies all attempts at formatting.


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    Peter Thane

    Changing the Export Mode from the Value to Text works for me

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    Kevin Thurner

    Thanks Peter.  Unfortunately that doesn't solve my issue.  My use of the History Explorer was intended only to illustrate the issue, but what I'm actually doing is pulling the data via SQL from the database into a pivot table.  I need to be able to manipulate these dates so I can group by the print date and report on the quantity of each document that was printed within a selected date range.  To do this, I need to be able to convert the date values that the System Db stores into Microsoft's date-serial value.  Microsoft starts day one at January 1st, 1900, and adds decimals after that for the time.  I need to understand how Seagull is serializing their date values, which is clearly different from how Microsoft does it, so that I can write a formula that converts the Seagull date-serials into Microsoft date-serials.  Seagull is not using a date/time data type in the System database, you are using a bigint datatype instead.  Can you help?

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    Kevin Thurner

    I think I figured it out.  It looks like the time is stored in UTC seconds, starting with 01/01/01.  Now I need to find a way to convert it into a datetime.

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    Kevin Thurner

    For anyone else encountering this problem, I can confirm that this formula in Excel will convert the Seagull dates stored in UTC seconds from 01/01/01 to the current Microsoft date-serial for UTC time.  You'll also need to make an additional adjustment for your time zone and daylight savings time.

    =(LEFT([Seagull Time Field],11)-59926780800)/86400

    Note that 59926780800 is the number of seconds from 01/01/01 to Microsoft's start date of 01/01/1900.


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