Print Station 2022 - Search not working
Are you able to use the search field at the top right of Print Station 2022 ??? Every search I try, I have the message "No file found..."
Jean-Daniel Paradis
Peter Thane
★ BarTender Hero ★
Using 2022 R4 and no problems with the search bar.
This could be a permissions type issue, checkout
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Jean-Daniel Paradis
★ BarTender Hero ★
Hi Peter,
I changed the permission on the services but I have the same result.Thanks again
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Peter Thane
★ BarTender Hero ★
I take it you have added the folder you are trying to search into the list of root folders in Print Station?
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Jean-Daniel Paradis
★ BarTender Hero ★
Yes exactly. I have my root folder as yours. I tried both local folder and network folder and the result still the same.
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Peter Thane
★ BarTender Hero ★
Sorry not sure then.
You may need to raise a support ticket with Seagull's Tech Support team and ask for some assistance.
A couple of things you could try first, if you have not already done so, is check each folder to see if the search works in some of them and use partial search references rather than a full (ie "order" to find Order Label.btw etc)
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Arturs Ščepanskis
★ BarTender Hero ★
Same issue here, guys - scratch always returns "No BarTender documents (*.btw), process files (*.btproc), batch files (*.btbat), or BTXML Script files (*.btxml) were found."
However it can find folder name in text form, but not the subfolder
Print station CAN browse, preview and print files
tested on admin user local machine folders, admin user network foldersSearch performed from sub folders where files exactly located
file name 123456 - search text 123, 1234, 12345, 123456
Print station settings - mostly default, just basic adjustments
Bartender Professional 2022 R4, Windows 10
we have hundreds of files and Search function is really needed, pls help0 -
Peter Thane
★ BarTender Hero ★
As above I would suggest you may want to contact Seagull's Tech team direct for some assistance with this
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Arturs Ščepanskis
★ BarTender Hero ★
Thank you, Peter
I'll think about that..0 -
Joe Kamlet
★ BarTender Hero ★
Were you ever able to solve this issue?
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Arturs Ščepanskis
★ BarTender Hero ★
Hi, guys!
I have opened the ticket recently and got a reply for Seagull that this is a known bug in 2022 version. Current workaround is to use ver 2019. I didn't tried it myself as I don't want to roll back to 2019.0
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