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Label Preview - Web Service


6 commentaires

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    Allen Arthur Cook

    Print BTXML Script actually has this. It actually functions more like Run BTXML Script, You can capture the btxml response (if there is no error) from the action and pass it back.

    The BTXML command ExportPrintPreviewToImage is what you are looking for.

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    Ian Cummings
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    Allen Arthur Cook

    Could we make the Print Scheduler ExportPrintPreviewToImageAction have the same capability?

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    Ian Cummings

    Allen: It should be noted that the Integration Platform uses the Print Scheduler API to submit BarTender document action requests including the preview option.  Make sure the "ReturnImageInResponse" attribute in the BTXML request is set to true so that the response BTXML contains the base64 image data.

    <ExportPrintPreviewToImage ReturnImageInResponse="true">
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    Allen Arthur Cook

    The request object for the print scheduler ExportPrintPreviewToImageAction does not have this as a property.

    I can use the execute BTXML task to get the xml but seems like a good idea to add this as part of the the ExportPrintPreviewToImageAction request and response.

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    Ian Cummings

    Allen: The Print Scheduler API supports the ExportPrintPreviewToImageAction class to make a preview request, and an ExportPrintPreviewToImageResult class for capturing the result.  I've not used this myself, but I'd guess the base64 encoded image data for each page/label will be found in the text property of each action message instance returned in the result object.


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