Multi-database join works in enterprise automation, but fails in integration builder.
I have an issue where i have a csv file with 7 rows in it, 2 of the 3 rows change per row, 1 is the same as it is a bundle # that spans all 7. I setup in the enterprise automation a multi database join, 1 that grabs all 7 entries in their entirety, the other selects the top 1 row of the csv file, i had to join them so i joined them on the bundle #, all prints just fine in enterprise automation, it prints the 1st label as the bundle label, and each of the 7 labels for all items in the csv. (the reason i had to do this is if i used it all as one database it would print 7 bundle labels as there were 7 rows of it, i just needed the one).
Putting it into an integration that polls a file location and prints the contents of csvs in that folder, i used an existing integration that works fine without a multi-database join in it. cloned it, added this label file, and it will print as long as the csv contents match the example file used in the label file. If i use a new csv with a new bundle #, i get a no records found.
All i can surmise is that the integration isn't passing the csv to the label file such that it handles the multi-database join properly, its trying to join the file that was polled, and the example file, and since its an inner join, it comes up with no records. I have no idea how to fix this though, has anyone had this issue before?
Brandon Morrisey
★ BarTender Hero ★
I am trying to gather a clear picture of what you are trying to describe but am having some trouble. Could you please clarify? Is it that when trying to join another csv file with different data in it there are no records in the resulting table? If this is a more intricate issue that requires looking at then please give our tech department a call at 425-641-1408.Thank you
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I talked to the tech department and got it sorted, i was over complicating it when all i needed to do was use a starting template page.
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