Print Portal with Amazon Redshift ODBC Connection
Has anyone encountered this before?
We are working on get a label setup with Print Portal and are receiving the following error:
ERROR [HY000] [Amazon][Amazon Redshift] (70) Cannot establish a connection with empty PWD.
We first setup the label and database connection using the BarTender Designer and were able connect to the database and print labels. We setup a prompt with the Dat Entry Form and that worked as expected. When attempting to print the label using the Print Portal, we get the error above.
Is there a solution to this so we can use a label file that is connecting to a Redshift database with Print Portal?
Darryl Christensen
★ BarTender Hero ★
We resolved the issue by changing the password encryption field in the Redshift DSN settings. It was set to "Current User Only" and we changed it to "All Users". See the highlighted settings below.
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