Can a procedure be reused by different label templates?
I can create a VBScript procedure for all events of a BarTender label template. Is there a mechanism, such as library or file declaration and import, available in BarTender that allows me to reuse this procedure in other label templates?
Peter Thane
★ BarTender Hero ★
You could use the Create > Create Component option and then for other labels you create you can just drag the component on
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Rudy Deca
★ BarTender Hero ★
Thank you very much Peter.
That answers my question.
I tried this and it worked like a charm.
Bet regards
P.S. Is it also possible to write a function in VBscript and put it in something like a reusable library such as to be called in multiple different label templates?
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Peter Thane
★ BarTender Hero ★
Checkout "Create Script Libraries" in the Help menu in Designer as that maybe what you are looking for.
For both your Components and Script Libraries you can configure the File locations in Administration Console to save them into a communal location that others can link too, such as on a shared network as long as the other user configure Admin console to look for them there too.
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Rudy Deca
★ BarTender Hero ★
Hi Peter
Thank you very much for your email and reply.
I don't seem to find the "Create script libraries" when I click Help menu on the main menu bar.
Is the Administration Console included in the Tools menu of the main menu bar?
Are there different sets of features, such as basic and premium features, available depending on what type of software we bought?
Please advise/assist
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Peter Thane
★ BarTender Hero ★
You need to go into the BarTender Help section and then search for it
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Rudy Deca
★ BarTender Hero ★
Thank you very much, Peter, for your quick and precise answer.
That answers my question and opens for me new realms of exploring and finding optimised solutions.
Warm regards
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