BarTender Ultralite and iDPRT SP420 Printer
I purchased this printer, and the instructions from iDPRT indicate that the ultralite version of software should be compatible with this printer.
However, when I launch Bartender in Ultralite mode, it tells me my printer isn't compatible with the Ultralite edition.
Is the only way to run the IDPRT SP420 printer using the higher tier versions of BarTender?
Peter Thane
★ BarTender Hero ★
My understanding is that the Ultralite editions are restricted to only allow printing a specific manufacturers printer range and so you would need an IDPRT Ultralite version to printer to that device if such a thing exists. Feature-wise I believe the Ultralites were nearer to the functionality of the Professional edition rather than Starter but if you download a Trial version onto a different PC and open your label, the Help>Edition.... option should tell you what version you need, or if you using Print Station or Data Entry Forms then you would need at least Professional
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