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integrations serial port set up


18 commentaires

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    Peter Thane

    Sorry not understanding 100% what you are trying to achieve.

    Where applicators are involved normally the printing is carried out and controlled by the print engine on the applicator and so the print job would be sent down from BarTender to the engine, sitting as an active job in its memory. When the senor/signal is triggered that a new label is required then the engine will print the required label and then pause waiting for the next signal command. This is configured in the setup of the applicator and not via an integration.

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    freddie lee

    hi Pete,
    so just to explain what i meant my last message, so we have this automatic labelair applicator that uses to automatic apply sscc label when pallet are finish wrapping, the program or software they use to use are nice label 5, which is absolete this days, also the pc are windows XP, now they have replace the printer with latest SATO S86NX which is incompatible to windows xp when installing drivers, now i have removed the printer and trying to program into bartender which is work well, now i have already creates sscc label in bartender ready to go, now we also have the pc windows 10 hooked into plc network just to be able to communicate to comport 2 which the plc plug in so thats work aswell, so question is how or what can i use to set up in bartender using automation similar to the nicelabel, which is using same method like serial comport also using the plc settings, do i use bartender integrations? i have already started but im stack on settings,

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    freddie lee

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    freddie lee

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    freddie lee

    does anyone has set up a serial comport from integrations before,? if does, please share, really helpful to me. we have workers applying labels manually which is causing issue at the moment, because they putting sscc labels into wrong product, there we have fews pallets comes back from customer

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    Peter Thane

    What data is being received on the serial port? Is it the trigger to print a label or does it contain data to be used on the label such as a database look up value etc?

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    freddie lee

    hi Pete,
    is both trigger and barcode counts string, i think the string has a @11??? on it, where can i put that in integrations builder settings,??

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    freddie lee

    any reply? i thought so it hasnt been done before from PLC

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    Peter Thane

    If the @11 is at the start of your string then you input data format is incorrect as you are telling the integration that the @11 is at the end of the characters being sent. Have you tried leaving this as the default, Port becomes idle?

    In your label I would suggest making the field this serial data represents a Named Data Source so you can reference it more easily in the Integration. Once you have done this and saved the label, making sure it is pointed to the correct printer to use (again for ease), in the Integration in the Print Document Settings

    • Document > Computer/Network as location and browse to select your label
    • Print Options > the printer name and copies etc should have all pulled through from the label you loaded so only amend if necessary
    • Named Data Sources > you should see a box listing your Named Data Source, click in the 2nd column next to this and then use the Insert Variable button and select the %Event Data% option

    Then give that a test

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    freddie lee

    hi Pete

    we have come up with 3 actions, not sure why it said insufficient resources,

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    freddie lee

    any thought?

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    Peter Thane

    What output is being sent (ie sample string)? 

    You may want to check your label template to as there looks to be an issue with it as look like you are using an 02 AI but no 37 although I think this is because you have included the full GTIN and are not truncating the check digit so BarTender can recalculate it. 

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    freddie lee

    hi Pete, nothing to do with labels, the database are fine, is actually printing in the printer SATO S86NX, we just want the bartender integrations set up, to be able to talk to PLC serial com 2,


    this it the old trigger from nice label 5 that use to work on applicator. that Bartender should have similar set up trigger like this.,

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    freddie lee

    hi Pete, nothing to do with labels, the database are fine, is actually printing in the printer SATO S86NX, we just want the bartender integrations set up, to be able to talk to PLC serial com 2,


    this it the old trigger from nice label 5 that use to work on applicator. that Bartender should have similar set up trigger like this.,

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    Peter Thane

    The comment about the label was nothing to do with the database, trigger etc but was to do with your label design due to this: 

    With 01 and 02 AIs BarTender will only look at the first 13 characters of these strings and then calculate and append the check digit to those numbers. If you add the full 14 digit code, ie including the check digit too, then this will throw out the formatting and the 14th digit will be used to form part of the next AI. To correct this you either only need to add in first 13 digits or else add the 14 but use the Transforms>Truncation>Discard characters to right and set that value to 1. Doing this will strip off the 1 and allow BarTender to recalculate it and then the AI 37 will display correctly. 


    Sorry just getting confused about your setup:

    What is the PLC connected to, the printer or the PC? 

    I take it the PLC is sending out the serial number element of you SSCC (AI 00) barcode, is this correct? 

    When the PLC transmits this string, this is when you want the label to printer?

    The data is transmitted from the PLC in the format @11<then the data> CR LF, is that correct? 

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    freddie lee

    hi Pete,
    we have fix the label itself, barcode somehow change to 13 instead of 37, so just answering youre questions,
    the data thats dropping the barcode string thats coming from plc, is getting dump into a data.txt file, it has a @11 string at the end. yes when string recieved from plc it will then execute printing or trigger from printer then goes to auto labeller applicator, now we have created a integrations which current waiting for an event, but the issue now is, when testing it comes up with error saying cannot open com port 2 access denied” is this means compatibility issue between different various windows 10 that bartender only work on certain versions?

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    Peter Thane

    I do not think that is a BarTender issue but a Windows 10 config type problem and could possibly mean either the user does not have access rights to the Com Port or that Com port is already open by another program. 

    Doing a bit of a google search someone with a similar Com port denied issue got round this by opening:

    Device Manager -> Ports (COM & LPT) double click the port in question to open Go to "Port Settings" tab Click "Advanced" button Look under "Miscellaneous Options" Uncheck "Serial Enumerator" Click OK to get out

    Not sure if that will work but maybe worth a try.

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    freddie lee

    hi guys.

    im still stack with this SErial port integration set up. still would not work, not sure what set up meant to be, also just to remind you that were using auto labeller then printer, using a plc. any suggestion would be helpfull its been now 3 months with this issue


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