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Create a form with 3 print option


5 commentaires

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    Peter Thane

    No need to use VB for this as you can configure it just through the normal print setup options.

    1) and 2) can be achieved by adding a Month Calendar (as shown) or a Date Picker entry box on to the Data Entry Form linked to the date field but with the Transforms>Offset configured to offset via the value in the database field and having ticked the Apply Offset after Data Entry tickbox. 

    3) Can be achieved by linking a Data Entry Form Text Input box to your label field that is linked to the Database and then at print time the users can either overtype the value (on the label only and not in the database itself) or leave it is as it is. 

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    Marco Voltolini

    Hi, i have try the solution but i can't recreate the form. Could you attach the bartender project to this post?


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    Peter Thane

    Which part are you struggling with? 

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    Marco Voltolini

    i'cant create the preview of my label

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    Peter Thane

    There should be a Preview of Template option on this drop down menu


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