How do I set a format to use Printer Settings on a ZT231 Printer?
I'm having a little bit of an issue with my zebra printers reverting to default settings whenever I execute a print job.
I will change to darkness from 15 to 22 and print speed from 6 to 5, but every time I execute a print job it reverts them back and does not take for the job. I was able to fix this problem before on past printer models with the Zebra ZT230 printer drivers and the ZT410/411 printer drivers by going to these respective points on the document properties when I print in the designer:
The issue comes into play when I try to do the same thing for the ZT231 model where I get the following printer properties:
Some more information:
I have bartender interfacing with my ERP system via BTXML.
I just updated the driver for this printer that is concerning me from the ZT230 drivers to the ZT231 drivers.
I know there must be a way to do it, but I just cannot find it for the life of me on the printer properties here. I would really appreciate any help that you could offer!
Thank you!
I would suggest replacing the ZDesigner driver with Seagull's driver and see how you get on with that. This will also allow BarTender to access certain advanced features in the label printing process and in my experience they work far better together.
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Thank you Peter! I'll get with my IT department and give that a shot.
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