Losing letters when printing from database (but only if the data field starts with certain number)
We have a problem, that BarTender Professional loses letters when printing from database.
Peculiar thing is that if the field starts with certain number, this happens, but not with all numbers. Below examples from the data field (cells of Excel-file):
10EXQL42S42K7 -> prints correctly
20EXQL42S42K7 -> loses all letters and prints 2042427
30EXQL42S42K7 -> loses all letters and prints 3042427
40EXQL42S42K7 -> prints correctly
50EXQL42S42K7 -> prints correctly
How can this difference occur?
Best Regards,
Lauri Haavikko
Is the data displayed correctly if you use the Record Browser in the Database Connection Setup to look at it?
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Yes, in the record browser it looks correct.
However in print preview -mode, it already loses the letters.0 -
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If is correct in the browser then I am not sure. You could try adding a new text field linked to that field in the database onto the label and print that to see what happens or else create a brand new label, linked to the database with just that field on and print that to see if the data comes through on there (in case your label is corrupted in some way).
If those dont work you may need to raise a support ticket direct with Seagull's Tech Support team (via the Submit a Request option above) to try and get them to look into this,
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OK I shall try that. It just logically really feels peculiar it only happens with only some numerical symbols at the start of the data content.
Many thanks for your support Peter!0 -
Just another quick thought, try changing the font from either the printer font or a true type to the other one.
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I'll put that to the test also, thank you!
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Weirdly enough simply adding a brand new text field and linking same database to this fixed the problem..
Thanks again Peter!0
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