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Not able to print Chinese , Korea and Thailand characters from Windows 2022 Print server using IPL Driver (2023.1) version


2 commentaires

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    Xabier Clemente

    Hello Sunitha,

    Thank you for contacting Seagull via our BarTender Community Forums.

    In order to properly troubleshoot the issue, we would appreciate it if you could answer the following questions:

    • What BarTender version are you currently using? Did you also upgrade BarTender to a newer version?
    • Are the fonts displayed correctly in BarTender Designer and then these fail to print?
    • What if you create the same template from scratch in a different PC? Does it work? Can you try to use an open type font?

    Also, on the "Advanced Tab" be sure to uncheck "Substitute best matching printer font":

    Thank you.

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    Sunitha Shirodkar

    Thanks Xabier Clemente  for the update. 

    I am from JnJ and we have many site which uses your company printers. One of them is Intermec label printers. The printing is sent from SAP --> Print Server --> Printer 

    Can you recommend from SAP or at windows level changes to be made or any specific Intermec driver to be used 

    Backgound: There is migration of the print server from Windows 2012 to Windows 2022. We recreated the same print queues on  Windows 2022 server. But when sent from new print server using SAP , the Chinese , Thai, Taiwan , Korea characters are not getting printed. 

    Old print server: Windows 2012 with Intermec IPL 7.4.3 - Works fine

    New Print server: Windows 2022 with Intermec IPL 2023.1 - does not print Chinese , Thai, Taiwan , Korea characters


    • What BarTender version are you currently using? Did you also upgrade BarTender to a newer version? We are using Intermec IPL 2023.1 version on Windows 2022OS
    • Are the fonts displayed correctly in BarTender Designer and then these fail to print? Can you explain where to check fonts
    • What if you create the same template from scratch in a different PC? Does it work? Can you try to use an open type font? Its from SAP application 


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