Bartender Designer , hosting on AWS Workspaces or Appstream
Hi Folks,
we have approx 50 users that use bartender designer to design packaging labels. Currently our process is to install the software on each of their machines.
We were evaluating the possible use of Citrix however also wanted to consider AWS Workspaces or Appstream.
Does Bartender support AWS Workspaces or Appstream ? or is there any other users using this ?
Peter Peter
★ BarTender Hero ★
Do they all need design capability or just to be able to print perhaps with Data Entry Forms configured for manual input fields at print time?
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Sean O Mahony
★ BarTender Hero ★
About 25 are using designer features and creating actual labels.
Ideally we would move the designer hosting to AWS workspace or appstream.
We are testing with Citrix , but interested to know if anyone uses AWS for distributing bartender software to user base.
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