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SQL - Watch View and print single label


7 commentaires

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    Peter Thane

    It sounds like you need to configure the Integration to run using either the increasing value or new timestamp options

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    Allen Kent

    I used a value called UDID and it sequenntly increased and it unique. Problem is once the trigger fires it doesnt retain or remember it already printed the last number (example) 478. The database then creates line 479 and - - - - labels start at 1 again and 479 item barcode labels start printing. So I cancel print job and try again - system should print 480 - - - but no it starts again at 1 . 


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    Peter Thane

    Have you configured your integration to one of these settings?

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    Allen Kent

    Using Field Has Increasing Value.

    This will show next number each time and this value does increase. Problem is label prints from data #1 . . . Lots of labels wasted

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    Peter Thane

    Have you added a filter into your Database Connection Setup in your label? If not your label will be set to print All in the selected records field.

    Once you added this and have connected and Imported the label settings in your Integration, from the Query Prompts tab click into the Value box and the Insert Variable should then become available. Choose the correct field and double click in that field in the Sample Value column. In my label value in the Serial field is the one being used to perform lookup/filter in the database.



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    Allen Kent

    This Query Prompt is already there. It is referencing my unique id named XID. 

    d XID.

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    Peter Thane

    Not sure then, mine works as expected. If you print from within Designer does it work correctly? 


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