History Explorer Stopped Logging Print Jobs
I'm having an issue where the History Explorer doesn't log the Bartender jobs anymore...
This seem to happened right after we updated the license to include more printers.
Bartender Suite messages are still being logged though...
Any ideas?
Make sure that the system database is properly set-up and that you're logging properly:
Under which account is the "BarTender System" Windows service running? Try a different account (domain account e.g.) and see if it helps.
Do you have this problem since you purchased a printer add-on for your license, or since you updated to the latest service release for BT v10.0 SR4?
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Yes the database was properly setup as it was working before... last logged job event was around the time we updated the license info (10 days ago).
Note that the Bartender suite messages (such as Bartender looking for a license server) is still being logged properly.
the bartender services are running using a domain account.
As specified, this problem occurred since we updated the license info...
we even restarted this computer and no help...
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Could you try to follow again the "System Database Setup Wizard" to reconfigure the connection to the database? Will this help?
Do you have SQL Management Studio on your PC? If yes, check to see if the log data reveals any related information...
What version of SQL Server are you using? Is it the standard one (SQL Express 2005) that BarTender installs?
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I already ran through the System Database Setup Wizard... doesn't look like it changed anything.
I have SQL Management Studio 2005 installed on another machine that I can connect to the Bartender database... but I'm not sure where to look for those JOB logs. Which path should I be looking in?
Bartender is using SQL Server 2005.
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As a test, if you create a new BarTender System Database on the same SQL Server 2005 instance and start logging to this second BarTender System Database (and make sure that History Explorer connects to the new database, not to the old one), will print jobs appear now?
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I just re-created a new database as you specified and looks like it's all good now... (I had to re-enable the database logging from Bartender though)
I guess I dont need the old database anymore...?
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Unless you require it for backup / auditory purposes, no, you don't need it anymore. BTW, you could also install SQL Express 2008 R2 when you get the chance, as you'll have more space for the database than with SQL Express 2005. So, first remove SQL Express 2005 and the database instances you've created, then install SQL Express 2008 R2 + Management Studio and create a new BT System Database to which the system database wizard would connect to.
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Great! Thanks for the tip Domingo!
You've been very helpful!I'll try to update to SQL Express 2008 R2 when we get the chance.
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