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Driver For Raw Pcl5 Printing


7 commentaires

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    Ian Cummings

    I guess you're wanting a pass-through driver that allows you to send raw print code directly to the printer?  Such generic pass-through drivers are available from various vendors, however, Seagull printer drivers also support a pass-through function.  Find this via the printer driver's "Page Setup" tab, clicking the "Advanced Options" button, and then selecting the "Passthrough" tab.

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    Legacy Poster

    Hi Ian, and thanks for your response.


    Actually our situation is that we have automated storage system that requires some printouts. The printouts require very specific timing and high printing speed, so we need to generate raw PCL / ZPL files for it, and store those on a network drive from which the automated storage system collects them when it requires the prints.


    Pass-through driver is an unfamiliar term for me. Is "passthrough" some function related to the physical printer or can it be used for printing to file? Perhaps I should mention that we use enterprise automation version of Bartender 10.1 as our printing solution.

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    Ian Cummings

    To clarify, you already have the native printer code, and you now want some application to send that printer code directly to the printer?  BarTender doesn't do this because you are in effect printing without using BarTender at print time.  As mentioned, our printer drivers support this sort of feature, as does the Microsoft Generic passthrough driver.  Would your automated storage system execute the final print job in this passthrough mode?


    The below article gives you a good heads up on what passthrough printing is all about:


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    Legacy Poster

    You misunderstood my first post. How the files are sent to the printers is not my concern. I'm just trying to generate those files with bartender and to do that I need a printer driver that prints raw PCL5. So far I've failed to find or to configure a driver that could print without PJL commands.

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    Ian Cummings

    Well all you need do is select a PCL5 printer driver, and then from the BarTender Print dialog click the "Print to file" checkbox and print.  Save the output to a PRN file and you can then examine the PCL content in a text editor.  The generated PCL code is down to the printer driver used.

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    Legacy Poster

    I know this is what I need to do. I'm just having trouble finding such driver. All the PCL5 drivers that I've tried print those PJL commands and I don't know how to disable them. Thats why I asked whether seagull scientific has any driver that I could use.

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    Ian Cummings

    We don't have such a driver that I'm aware of, and I don't have a driver to recommend that omits the PJL commands.  Sorry.


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