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How To Print To File Arabic Characters?


9 commentaires

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    Ian Cummings

    Which device font are you using?  I don't think Arabic is even supported at the device font level for this printer, so you'll need to use a Windows font instead, which means the print file will contain graphical data for the text objects. 

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    Legacy Poster

    Actually I don't know which device font is used but I can learn if it is required. Let me clear my case, I am a software developer and I will send some barcode data to printer using c#. It is told me that they can print arabic fonts when they prepare barcode using BarTender but the problem is that BarTender cannot show me the codes (commands) for the arabic letter fields when I print to file.

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    Ian Cummings

    Are you wanting to print Arabic script as text or as data in a barcode?  It's not clear from your description.  If you wish to print as text then you'll need to use a Windows font which will appear as graphical data in the print file.  For barcode data you'll be limited to specific symbologies like data matrix or PDF-417.


    For what purpose do you need to view the individual data values of the Arabic encoded data in the print file?

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    Legacy Poster

    Execuse me but I am not familiar with this type of issues. I dont know what is the difference between text and data. In the picture below, the red part is label and the left side arabic text is the date which I provide from code and try to send to printer.


    Here is my barcode sample




    And here is what I see when I print to file with cab a4 300 k printer. The fantastic characters stem from the arabic part. I want to send printer latin characters and I want printer to print with arabic some part. Am I clearer now? 


    Thank you so much for your help


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    ##  ##  
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    Ian Cummings

    From the picture I see you're trying to print Arabic text.


    The "fantastic" characters in the print file is simply binary encoded data which represents graphical data embedded into the print job for the Arabic text, and any other graphical items on the label.  The Arabic text is being printed using a Windows font hence the graphic data in the print file.


    Have you tried printing this document?  I assume it prints okay?


    The following white paper should be helpful in your understanding:

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    Legacy Poster

    Yes it prints okay.


    The part I don't understand is why arabic text seen as graphical and encoded binarily. Windows support arabic text, notepad also support arabic text but I cannot see as arabic. Why? Isn't it possible?



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    Ian Cummings

    The printer doesn't, hence BarTender renders it as graphical data in the print file with the use of a Windows font.

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    Legacy Poster

    Ok my last question is coming :) (If it is possible) I will upload arabic fonts to my printers. Then, will I be able to print to file (using barTender) with normal characters? 


    Thank you so much for your help

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    Ian Cummings

    In theory yes, BUT your printer doesn't support this so NO!  Also, Arabic for printer based fonts is a bit of a special case.  Part of the reason is the right to left text alignment, but also because when particular characters are next to each other you get an effect called glyph shaping.  To give you an idea of what this is I give you an example with Latin characters for illustration purposes: With the letters A and E next to each other, the glyph shaping would give you this Æ.  Glyph shaping for Arabic script is pretty much mandatory in order for the text to be readable to a human.  However, this is typically not implemented in the firmware of printers.


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