Activexcontrol To Print .btw In .net Web Application
Using java script Activexcontrol how to print .btw file in Bartender web application.
How to use Bartender.printclient.dll? Pls guide me.
How to use Bartender.printclient.dll? Pls guide me.
[quote name='RamyaSiva' timestamp='1337333182' post='2465']
Using java script Activexcontrol how to print .btw file in Bartender web application.
How to use Bartender.printclient.dll? Pls guide me.
I also have a use case for printing labels from a web page. I would like to enable my users to print more copies of a label when they need them. Does this require a custom web app with programming to do on my side? I would like to know if there is a general web interface for printing in Bartender. I have not seen this in the help file anywhere.
Jeff0 -
Shotaro Ito
★ BarTender Hero ★
Hi, Please check this post - that might helps.
[url=""]This post[/url]0
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