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Internet Printing With Java Client Based


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    Hello Shanthini,

    I'm sorry but I'm afraid that Web printing (it means printing labels in your computer via your Internet browser without installing BarTender in your computer) is only available for .NET SDK architecture in BarTender



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     Thanks for your reply. May be my question was not clear.  The printer is connected in the client machine not on the sever / network. Is there a way to call bar tender with the many barcodes at single click without the server being able to see the printer? 




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          Ok. Now I found few things. Internet printing (web printing) gives two ways to print the barcode. 

    1. Web Print Server

    2. Web Label Print



     I am trying to use Web Label Print. I followed all the configurations. Finally when I run the server url (servermachine\WebLabelPrint\Default.aspx) to my client machine, Its fine. But when I ckick the 'Print Label Format over internet', It says, I should install the Active X. Because, As far as I know, the latest version of bartender will work in either java or activeX. Isn't it? Because I installed Java 7 update 67 by following the Bartender WPS document. 


    1. Is there any other config settings I need to do to run the site under java? 

    2. Does the WPS allow the developers to interact with the C# code input? 





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    Domingo Rodriguez

    When you develop your own web based solution making use of our .NET Print Server SDK (such as the Web Label Print Sample" does), you can only make use of Internet Explorer as the SDK is limited to the ActiveX control BarTenderPrintClient.dll.


    If you wish more information on how internet printing can be implemented, please open BarTender's Help (press the F1 key), and then write "internet printing" under the Search tab. Choose the "Internet Printing Using ActiveX Controls" topic.

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     Thanks  for your reply.  That make sense. I understood correctly. But I have some limitations. I can't use ActiveX controls for internet printing. My client can install only java applet. Also If I use ActiveX, java script coding is not easy in our Visual Web GUI applicaiton even though it is running on the .net platform.


    So, Is there any other solution other than 'internet printing'?


    Because., The printer is connected only in client machines. Not in server. There is no shared network, LAN, WLAN or port connection between server and the printer. That is why I came up with 'Internet printing'.

    Also I looked into the PDF printing. Because of the less quality, I am afraid to go with pdf prining. 


    Ok, Is there any other option available for my requirement?




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    Domingo Rodriguez

    You mentioned previously that another possibility might be that your web-application just contains a link to the BT-WPS. This will indeed be another of your options. BT-WPS does natively support both ActiveX controls and Java plugins. 


    Also, why would you need to perform some java script coding over the Java applet? Could you explain this in more detail?

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    In the samples of 'internet printing' over activex controls, there is a code written in java script with activex methods to communicate client with server.So that i said. Ok I got it. So 'web label print' won't support though I installed java.
    1. I want to control the barcode printing by programmatically using bartender.
    2. Internet printing is the only option in my case.
    3. But 'web label print' works only if I installed the Activex.
    4. So BT-WPS is the only choice now. But I am wondering should I open this 'BT-WPS' bartender site with my app when I want to print? If so, can I pass dynamic parameters to avoid user input to BT-WPS?
    5. But I am not supposed to open another site in my app to make printing.
    6. Also In BT WPS site, I don't see any options to print many barcodes at the same time. I didn't mean the copies. I mean I want to print plenty of different barcodes (sequential) using the same label template at the same time.
    Can I control my barcode printing programmatically in any way using BT WPS site? (I am unable to find any sample source code for WPS.)

    Hopefully I did make it clear.

    I am sorry if I mis lead you. Hopefully I did make it clear. Can you reply me?


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    Domingo Rodriguez

    Hello again,


    No, you cannot automate data entry in BT-WPS. We don't publish the source code for BT-WPS.


    I still don't understand what you mean by "print plenty of different bar codes using the same template at the same time"? What do you mean by this? Do you mean using the same bar code symbology / standard, but supplying different variable data to it? If you're wishing to print variable data bar codes and send it as 1 print job to the printer, you would have BarTender instead read the variable data for your bar codes from a database, in which case BarTender will print 1 label per database record.


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