Save After Print Job
Is there anyway to disable the program from attemting to save the file after every print job? It's causing so many problems for me. I get errors when over the network; If someone prints a label from a different format it'll save over the needed format making me need to go in and fix it. I've asked elsewhere about the errors caused by the automatic saving but the only responce I've gotten was about disabling the error messages themselves-which doesn't solve the problem or get rid of the errors as they pop up still, just without error numbers. I've tried changing the permissions to Read Only but then I just get a dialog box to Save As after I print. I'm attaching images of the error, both with and without the number and the btw file.
EDIT: Ok I have a work around now for any how has the same problem in the future.
Use the Batch Maker and make the labels into Batches. It's a hassle but it works. Just assure that the label is set to print to the "Default" otherwise your gonna hit some snags. Printing a batch through Print Station will not let you pick a printer. So just set it to Default and change your Default printer as needed.
EDIT: Ok I have a work around now for any how has the same problem in the future.
Use the Batch Maker and make the labels into Batches. It's a hassle but it works. Just assure that the label is set to print to the "Default" otherwise your gonna hit some snags. Printing a batch through Print Station will not let you pick a printer. So just set it to Default and change your Default printer as needed.
For what reason have you set the Windows file permissions on these label formats to be read only? If you wish to prevent certain users from modifying and/or saving the labels why do you not use either the Security Center or the label format password to accomplish this? In that way you avoid this error message issue altogether.
See the below white paper for more details: -
The Security Center just wasn't a feasible solution; it was too involved for what I needed to do. Using the label format password didn't work, I still recieved a "Save As" dialog box and the same error message. I found a fix that will work for the time being: Making each Label into it's own Batch file. Thank you for the suggestion though. 0 -
I'm having this issue also and confused frankly on why there is no way to disable saving a template. In a deployed system where potentially multiple people are hitting a template why in the world would I want any one of them to overwrite that label by default? I understand there can be benefits at times, like tracking the serialization of a field, but in general these templates should be locked down except to an admin. 0
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