Running a powershell script to print out labels
We have set up a new PC on our workstation but using the same printers. However running the script on the new PC gives this prompt on every single label:
"The printer "Zebra ZD420 (300 dpi) - ZPL" that was used to design this document is no longer available. The following printer will be used instead: [Zdesigner ZD420-400dpi ZPL]"
I can either click OK or close the message and the label will print fine. The problem is that I can't disable this message or set it to accept it automatically so we need to click OK several times on each batch of labels we print.
Setting the chechbox on "Remember this printer redirection" doesn't have any effect and the settings under Application Message Setup don't have any options available for that either.
Using BarTender Designer 2022 R7
Please advise.
Open the label in BarTender Designer and choose the new printer from file>print screen then close that window and save the label.
I take it the 400dpi was a typo and should have said 300dpi, but on a personal note I would suggest switching back to using the Seagull rather than ZDesigner driver as BarTender can access some higher functions of the printer more easily and this may improve the overall printing performance.
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