Using Bartender With 64Bit Office (Error#6670)
I've seen multiple threads with error code #6670, I also have this problem but I'm starting to believe this is a compatibility issue more than anything.
We recently upgraded two of our users to 64bit Office to meet the increasing demand of larger files, previously we had 32bit with the 2010 Access Engine installed as well and it worked perfectly fine. Two days ago I upgraded them to 64bit with the 64bit Access engine as well and am now receiving this error on both clients.
Is it simply not compatible? Or is there a patch to allow this to work correctly?
To connect to an x64 version of Access you'll need an x64 version of the Microsoft Access Database Engine installed:
However, to use that I think you'll need an x64 version of BarTender (I might be wrong with that). Luckily, with BarTender 2016, which we just released, we now support BarTender in an x64 flavour:
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I believe you're correct then, I have the x64 Access Database Engine installed.
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However, running 64 bit BT2016 on a 64 bit machine that has a 32 bit version of Office, you get an error because BT is looking for the 64 bit Jet 4.0 OLEB.
You cannot have a machine that has both 32bit and 64bit OLEDB, per Microsoft.
So the options seem to be either install 32bit BT 2016 or Update office to 64 bit, Correct?
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mbarkerusa: Note quite. I have the same environment on my PC, but am able to run in x64 with BarTender after following the below instructions:
Download the x64 database component from Microsoft:Open up a command prompt window (cmd), change directory to where the download is located, and run the below command line:AccessDatabaseEngine_x64.exe /passiveImportant: Before you do anything else, you'll need to delete or rename the "mso.dll" registry value in the following registry key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Common\FilesPaths". You can do this via the Regedit application for modifying the system registry.All should now work A okay.0
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