Web Server Setup & Installation Advice And Help Request
I am hoping someone can help me out. I own a small business and I hired a programmer who is designing a web based operations system for our store. We currently use a Zebra printer to print labels. We operate a repair centre and we label all the devices customers drop off with a label.
- Customer Name
- Date
- Description
- Barcode ID
My problem is that I don't like having to copy and paste the information into the label application I am using every time I need to print a label, especially since its already in our web based program.
My understanding is that I need to purchase Bartender web server, install it and then I will be able to have my programmer attach the necessary code to our local web based application so that we can automatically print pre-defined labels.
My Questions:
- Do I have this right? Do I need Bartender Web Server?
- If so, then is there a Hello World example anywhere I could reference to get my programmer started?
Any guidances and help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance,
Just so I understand you correctly. You have a web application running on a web server in your company. This web app does some other kind of process in your organization, but in some transactions you want that transaction data to be used in an automatic fashion to print off some barcode labels on the back end?
If the above is true then it sounds like you want something like the Commander middleware application to detect transactional output files coming from the web app, and from that generate a BarTender print job. See the below white papers for more details:
*Commander requires the Automation edition or higher.
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