Printing Issue With Wps
Hi there, we are currently evaluating Bartender Enterprise WPS for integration into our systems. We have remote users so we are evaluating the queue based printing option. The current test printer is a Samsung ML-2510 desktop printer, and is supported by the "Samsung Universal Print Driver 2". We have an ML-2510 hooked up to our client 'user test' computer, with the correct driver, and are able to print to that printer from the client machine. The server has the same "Samsung Universal Print Driver 2" installed on the WPS. We go in to the 'out of the box' document selection page, select a label, choose "Samsung Universal Print Driver 2" (not direct print), and click print - here's the thing: we got the initial Active X install dialog the first time around, and each time we print we get the "Print job spooled to Samsung Universal Print Driver 2", and the job *actually queues*. The printer's green light flashes a couple of times but then nothing happens. The job appears in the queue saying "printing' but then just disappears. Has anyone seen this before and is there a fix? Security issue? Driver compatibility with the ActiveX module? (We tried via Chrome and Java too, same thing). Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated!.
Apologies, it was a printer driver issue. Is now working 0 -
Okay, thanks for the update.
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