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Print Database On Wps


3 commentaires

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    Ian Cummings

    Difficult to say what might be going on.  Perhaps you could try restarting the web site.

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    Legacy Poster

    I think


    it's bad configuration.


    I ask his collaboration with the following information


    1.Instructions to configure correctly (IIS)

    2. As I can reinstall WPS

    3. In bartender security center must create a user for WPS?

    4. you permission to print data base?



    thanks for your help

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    Hello Fernando,


    Can you pleaes provide us which Windows version do you have? And your build number? (You can check it clicking on BarTender "Help" menu > "About" item)


    1. Have you read our White Paper about Web Print Server? Here you will find information about how to install IIS:

    Web Print Server


    2. Make sure that BarTender is properly registered. In order to register BarTender on your system, you simply need to open a Windows Prompt Command as an Administrator, navigate to the folder of the BarTender suite using the "cd" command in the following folder:

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Seagull\BarTender Suite\" then enter the following command:


    bartend.exe /register

    3.  Indeed the IIS and application pool need to be run under a user account with enough permissions to access and edit all the resources needed by BarTender (local files, network files, printers, system files, registry keys, etc…). Please note that the "Local System Account" does not have enough permissions over these resources.

    4.     Have you checked if you have configured the permission fine in your application pool? For it:


    Configuring WPS Application Pool

    In some cases, the web print server application pool may not be started which will prevent WPS from loading properly. You may also need to configure the application pool identity to a domain administrator.

    Setting WPS Application Pool Identity


    Setting WPS Application Pool Identity
        Open IIS by: 
            a.    Going to the Start menu
            b.    Open Control Panel
            c.    Open Administrative Tools
            d.    Open Internet Information Services
        Select Application Pools on the left side of the IIS window
        Select the Web Print Server application pool in the middle of the IIS window
        Select the Advanced Settings on the right under Edit Application Pool
        Scroll down to Process Model section
        Highlight the Identity option
        Click the Edit button on the right
        Set the Identity to ApplicationPoolIdentity under the Built-In Account drop down list Note: In some instances it is necessary to set the WPS Application Pool Identity to a specific user. This can be              accomplished by following 1 – 7 above then selecting Custom Account, selecting the Set button and specifying the domain\username and password. 

    Starting the WPS Application Pool

        Open IIS by: 
           a.    Going to the Start menu
           b.    Open Control Panel
           c.    Open Administrative Tools
           d.    Open Internet Information Services
        Select Application Pools on the left side of the IIS window
        Select the Web Print Server application pool in the middle of the IIS window
        Click the Start button on the right hand side under Application Pool Tasks

    5.       Finally, if Web Print Server is able to open other labels but not database labels, can you let me know which kind of database are you using? If you are using SQL server, please check that the user account that is running the IIS has enough permission in SQL Server.






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