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Label Alignment


17 commentaires

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    Ian Cummings

    It sounds like the IBM generated print code is hardcoded with a temporary vertical offset that explicitly alters the vertical placement of printed items.  It's then probably the case that in the BarTender document you are printing is simply inheriting the defaults already set in the printer.  To fix this you should explicitly make a "Set top adjustment" setting to counteract the setting made by the IBM print code.  Do this via the BarTender Print dialog, clicking the "Document Properties" button.

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    Legacy Poster

    Clicked the "Set top adjustment" as suggested but there was no effect on the printing.

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    Domingo Rodriguez

    Not only will you need to enable the checkbox, you also need to enter a negative or positive value. Try e.g. with "-2.0" mm and let us know how this affects on the print out.


    Also attach one of the BarTender documents (.btw) using the "More Reply Options" button.

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    Legacy Poster

    I entered a value of -2.0 mm as you suggested and BarTender converted it to -.08 in. The printing still shifted down by a line. I then changed the value to .08 in. (positive value) and tried again. Same result. btw file is attached.

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    Legacy Poster

    I'm having a similar issue but instead of shifting "down" it's shifting to the right off the label.


    I have included images to show my problem.


    I have tried altering the size of the label itself, I have also tried adjusting the elements within the label and shifting it left but it still prints shifted to the right so to speak.



    This is the label in BarTender.



    This is the label after printing. (The orange bar is pre-printed)



    As you can see in the second image the text has moved oustide of the box, as well as box itself and the pictograms. I am still unsure what is causing this.


    Any ideas?


    Thanks in advance.




    I seemed to have corrected my issue.


    In the "Document properties" in the Print window, if you click "Advanced options" and for my issue I had to put the "Horizontal Offset" to -2.0mm, that seemed to have worked.


    Stilll getting the issue where the text goes outside the box though, tried multiple thing and nothing has fixed it.

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    Legacy Poster
    Hi All ,
    We also have a alignment problem ( Picture attached ) when printing - using the Toshiba TECB-EV4-6 printer. I basically have tried everything i can find in the printing / printer properties, ect ect. I beleive its a simple fix however i cannot find a solution , any help would be greatly appreciated.
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    Ian Cummings

    ANDCABLES: It looks like you haven't enabled the label sensor in the printer.  To do this in BarTender, select the "File>Print" menu item from your loaded label design, and from the Print dialog click the "Document Properties" button.  In the printing preferences of the printer driver dialog that opens, select the "Stock" tab and choose "Transmissive" for the sensor type.  Remember to save the document when done to retain the embedded print setting.

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    Legacy Poster
    Thanks Heaps , that was the problem .

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    Legacy Poster

    I am having the same problem as ANDCABLES on a DataMax printer no matter what I do, I either get this or it skipping a label each time.

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    Ian Cummings

    jjazdz: Could be that you haven't set the correct print setting, such as labels with gaps for the label sensor, or maybe incorrect page setup.  See the below training video:


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    Legacy Poster

    I believe that these are correct, I started from scratch using a custom template using the dimension of the label and the same thing happens. On the Printer the server is set to label gap and the same issues happen

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    Nima Taghavizadeh

    Hi everybody
    I know it’s an old thread but I think this is exactly what I’m struggling with, thanks google ;)
    We have a small store selling handcrafts and recently added a label printer to handle both bookkeeping and printed prices on the goods...
    The label printer is a 4Barcode 4B-3044TF machine and we use the Bartender lite version came within the package for now, also we have installed the latest driver version presented on seagull.
    The problem is some misalignments like what is discussed here.
    Anyway we could kinda solve it although printing goes offset after 4-5 rows which is not very concerning because we use 1-2 rows to print each time for now.
    Feed is set correctly and problem is printing settings for sure.
    I also noticed we missed the transmissive option as you said under the stock tab!
    Is it a malfunctioning of driver or software?
    Or we are missing somethings in settings?
    Or just a limitation on the sensor is used on this printer series?
    Thanks for any help

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    Peter Thane

    I have not had any dealing the any 4B printers but a lot of printers tend to work in a similar fashion.

    By default the Seagull drivers use the "Use Current Settings" option for various of the driver options meaning that BarTender does not send down a command about which sensor to use or any offsets etc. and so the printer uses the values for these that are set in its configuration already. As soon as you send there commands to the printer then these will override the defaults. 

    If the printer is going out of allignment after a number of labels I would suggest, as you have enabled the transmissive/gap sensor now then you may want to double check you label template settings/size in BarTender for the height of the label. In the page setup for a label the width of the page should be the total width of the label and backing material (the right/left margins will account for this) whilst the height should be just the height of the label itself, ie not including the gap. For some printers there is also a setting in the driver to set the size of the inter-label gap and if this is required for the 4B unit you will find this setting on the Document Properties>Stock Tab (such as shown in the image below for a TEC printer).

    If the page size or gap setting is incorrect then this can cause printing issues with the labels going out of allighment and also skipping full labels.

    I hope this helps


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    Nima Taghavizadeh

    Thank you for the response...
    I think actually our machine doesn’t support transmissive option and we have to set it manually which is ok and It is done.
    I got a new problem with a new label size which is when everything is set up just like previous one and hit the print it prints just one label and then runs for a while without printing and finally stops with blinking red light. I know that it means a setting error by the user manual, but I checked settings many times. When we changed the gap size to 0 and gap offset to 0 it prints as many as amount we set but not aligned on the labels l, but when we change the gap settings to what it should be just like other label it encounters the error!
    The new one has a smaller width 11 mm. Previous was 15 mm. Is there any limit for this case? Why it prints whit 0 gap settings but doesn’t with other settings on this size of media?

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    Peter Thane

    With certain models of printer the Gap sensor is called the Transmissive sensor. 

    Setting the gap to 0 is effectively telling the printer there is no gap between the labels.

    There seems to be a minimum width of for the media and so if you label stock is below this then there could be an issue with the printer performance which could account for the issues you are encountering with both labels if they are 11 and 15mm respectively. 



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    Kayla Bean

    I use Canva to create the label image for our products, so it then becomes a file. The label size I am currently using is 1.5" circle which have 2 labels or rather 2 columns, we get our labels from Hickman Label Company. When I create the template/label size I enter the height as 1.5 but then I have to measure the length. I measured it at about 3 1/4". Hickmans label margin/gap settings are (top/bottom) 0.25" (left/right) 0.0625". When I enter those in, it will pop up saying the "height multiplied by the width or length of the label is greater than the page size" 

    I will also have the label completely centered in the template and when I print it will be too far up from the actual label or too far down or over to the right, and it creates this white border around the image. I have changed the margins and moved the label in the template to the position the white was showing after the first print and it will still bleed or show too much white. Ive called multiple times to have someone help me and it seems no one can help me figure this out. I use a Epson c7500G printer. I have also calibrated it and set the correct settings if ut has black timing marks or just a gap.. I NEED HELP


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    Peter Thane

    Sorry has is got a black reflective strip or not I cant make that out from your comment above?

    The page size needs to be the height of the label from either the end of one black mark to the start of the other or the same if using gap sensing. The width of the page however includes allowance for the gutter to left and right of the label/s. The label height needs to the height of the actual label and you would only include a top or bottom margin if there is a section of the label that you are not printing on, such as if you has a logo or similar pre-printed on the label for example. The width of the label is the width of the physical label and for this you would set the right and left margin to the width of the gutter/back paper to the extreme right and left of the label and, as you are printing two across then you may need to set the central inter-label gap too.

    Gap sensing with round labels can be tricky (unless a cut out is used on the inside edge of the label) as the label sensor must be positioned so that the first part of the label to cross it is the leading edge of the curve otherwise the label will start printing from where the label "triggers" the sensor and so if it does have a black mark then I would suggest using the reflective sensor


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