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Silent Deploy Bartender 2016


7 commentaires

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    Mike Schur

    Hi Lars,

    when you've installed Bartender 2016 on one device you can find the MSI file one of the folder here: C:\ProgramData\Seagull\Install

    Open that file with Orca and look into the Feature table there you can find all parameters but some are not working (all with language_xxx)!

    Or you're using the Installation with the verbose logging option to find it out which property don't work.


    Mike Schur

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    Lars Klausen

    Hi Mike

    Thanks, but you can't put Licenses information in the MST file... 

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    Mike Schur

    You don't need to add the license information into .mst file! Here is how it looks like in my environment when i'm deploying Bartender 2016 silently via SCCM!

    BT2016_R3_3094_Full_x64.exe /L"1033" /v"/QB-! /NORESTART TRANSFORMS=.\NoSQLExpress.mst ProductLanguage=1033 ADDLOCAL=ALL REMOVE=<check Feature Table> ACCOUNT_NAME_FULL=<Bartender Service Account> ACCOUNT_PASSWORD=<Bartender Service Account Password> EDITION=<your licensed edition> DESKTOP_ICON=NO PKC=<license key> /L*v <logfile>"

    The transform file is to get Bartender 2016 installed on the client without the SQLExpress component!
    The parameter /QB-! is to get a progress bar with no Cancel button.

    You can also add the license server parameters which you can also find here:

    For the database connection initialisation on the client you can check a former thread here in this area.


    Mike Schur

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    Jasper Wen

    I would refer to our white paper for silent installation here. The silent installation parameters can be passed directly through the BarTender suite installer .exe file. There is a parameter to specify the product key code for activation.

    You shouldn't really need to extract the .msi and files, unless you are doing some really customized installation. If you do, you can run the installer .exe with /a parameter to do so.

    If you need further assistance, please contact our tech support directly to open a support ticket.


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    Lars Klausen



    Thanks for your replies.

    @Jasper, I have created a support case, but no one have responded to it. Was waiting most of thursday and all Friday for your chat support to open but it never did.


    @Mike. I have tried using the following parameters:

    BT2016_R3_3094_Full_x64.exe /L"1033" /v"/QB-! /NORESTART TRANSFORMS=<LOCALPATH TO MST FILE>NoSQLExpress.mst SLS_PRIMARY=<SERVERNAME>:5795 ProductLanguage=1033 ADDLOCAL=ALL EDITION=A DESKTOP_ICON=NO /L*v C:\Bartender.log”

    In the MST file I have only change the install level for SQLexpress to 101, so it should not be installed... but the "BT2016_R3_3094_Full_x64.exe" installs the SQL, so no use for the MST?

    I have tried not to use the license server parameters but the PKC=<LICENSE KEY> but on first launch it asks for license keys.


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    Mike Schur

    Hi Lars,

    in my case in the .mst-file all SQLExpress entries were deleted so the SQLExpress-Installation doesn't appear after successfull Bartender installation in the task manager as hidden process!
    I don't know why its not removable via MSI parameter because its not needed by the clients.

    It might be possible to install Bartender without the PKC parameter (never tested from my side)! If you have the license server running on a server you can copy the BTLM.ini from the server (%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Seagull\BarTender\) in the same folder on the client and the client will be connect to the license server automatically!


    Mike Schur

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    Chris Thijssen


    If you don't want the sql express just get the msi from temp open msi with orca go to feature table find SQL_Express entry then change Level (INSTALLLEVEL) to 101 and Attributes to 8 (required=no, 24=yes) save msi or create mst.

    And its gone.



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