Bartender Integration does not understand the "ó" character from BTXML
I have an Bartender Integration set up which processes the BTXML file that end up in a specific folder and prints the corresponding label.
The problem I'm encountering is that one of my printer's tray's name contains an "ó" character, its name being "Bandeja multipropósito" (multiporpouse tray in spannish). The integration's log message interprets said character as ó. Here is the BTXML (shortened version).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<XMLScript Version="2.0">
<Command Name="Print Operation">
<Printer>Kyocera ECOSYS P3155dn v4 KX (XPS)</Printer>
<PaperTray>Bandeja multipropósito</PaperTray>
<NamedSubString Name="itemId">
I've tried multiple things. As it can be seen at the top of the BTXML, I've set the XML encoding to ISO-8859-1, which is supposed to correctly read these type of characters. With this, I've also set the Intengration's input data type to the corresponding value.
I've also tried this with other encoding types which process these characters: setting the same thing in the BTXML and in the Integration's configuration.
I am missing something? How can I correctly process
I am not sure, but you may need to do something like in this post
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The solution was easier than I thought...
I set the encoding to UTF-8 in both the btxml file and the integrations input type; and it wroked.
For some reason I thought that UTF-8 did not accept these type of characters, but it does.
Here's a article that I found interesting as reference
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