Printing using Excel
We want to use an excel sheet for printing records. I could setup the integration but the problem is that on the server we have for Bartender we don't have excel so we need to copy over the file each time. This is no issue but then even if I select print based on a field value all records in the excel are printed. So even is for instance the number is 10 and the previous 9 are already printed it prints all records. Is there a solution that I can implement to solve this.
Thanks in advance
Pieter van de Laar
Are you printing using Integration Builder?
It sounds like your label is saved with Selected Records set to All on the File>Print screen in the label format rather than selected at print time or similar
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Hi Peter,
Thanks for the hint.
Yes I used integration builder.
Indeed it was set to always. but even when I set is to select at print time it does not work. Last number is set to 23 so when I add a record to Excel file with number 24 it will still print 24 labels.
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What type of Integration have you set it to use?
I am guessing Database and as you are copying effectively a new file over the top of an existing file the Integration is seeing every record as a new record.
If this is the case, instead of saving the whole file, could you instead create a Macro or similar to output just the records you want into a CSV/Text file and configure the Integration to trigger from that using the data in the file for the label data (ie File Integration)
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Hi Peter,
Indeed I am using a Database integration. Of course I can change it bij creating a macro in the excel and generate a text or csv file and will go for that no problem, was just wondering why it did not work. I understand the problem so we will solve it. From our ERPLN application we always create text files and use file integration that works fine.
Thanks for the help
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