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Conditional Bold


9 commentaires

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    Peter Thane

    If the words you want to Bold are fixed then you could modify the EU FIC label that ships with BarTender as standard and adjust the page size etc to suit and amend the list of Allergens to include the words you want. 

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    Deepanshu Gairola

    HI Peter, 

    Is there any instruction book where i can check?

    Thank you.

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    Peter Thane
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    Deepanshu Gairola


    Thank you for the guide, i tried checking it down and struck at a place.

    We are in a situation to print the label field in bold when item is having a inspection. If not it has to be printed normally. We are getting the data from XML file as a data source.


    In data source we have labels as SM01 - which is let us say "Security". (not printing, just for reference on XML file)

    Now in another label i.e ST01 - we are getting a value of "Security" so it should get bold on the label. (which is printing)

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    Peter Thane

    How do you know when an inspection is required? It is the value ST01 and not SM01 in your file? 

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    Peter Thane

    Something like this would work with Script added to the BarTender Document Options > Scripring

    If Format.NamedSubStrings("LblCount").Value =3 then

    Format.Objects("Text 2").FontBold = True

    Else Format.Objects("Text 2").FontBold = False

    end if


    You would need to include some kind or something then Bold type command which in my example above bolds Text2 whenever a serial number (LabelCount) gets to 3


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    Deepanshu Gairola


    We tried Format.Objects("Text 2").FontBold = True and it is not working for us.


    Also is this query used to bold specific field/data source in the text field?

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    Peter Thane

    The Format.Objects("Text 2") would need to be adjusted to match the field you actually wand to employ the bold to and it would bold the full text string and not just a part of it. You would also need to be using a font that has a Bold option, such as a True Type font like Arial and not a device font 



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    Deepanshu Gairola

    Hi Peter,

    Can we somehow connect through Zoom call or something, i am not able to reach the desired result.


    The above condition works but of there is only 1 data base field inside the text, we have multiple data base field and i tried if condition but that didn't worked for me.


    Thank you


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