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Bartender Integration Builder - Amazon S3 Bucket access Error (403)


3 commentaires

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    Peter Thane

    It could be a permissions issue as the integration will run using a local system account by default and that may not have access/rights to network resources. On the Print Document > Action tab try configuring to use a different user account that has these elevated permissions.

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    IT Department

    I have this same issue, have you ever solved this?   Seems like the error is coming from the Amazon end?

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    Donald Rossi Jr.

    So the resolution to our S3 issue was to setup a Windows 10 EC2 workstation. Where files were transferred from the S3 bucket  direct to the folder  storage on the EC2 workstation. 

    - Local ADMIN and RDP access was given to that Window 10 EC2 workstation.

    - I then modified the integrations for, *.CSV file, pickup to point to the EC2 workstation folder 

      >  Example:--->      \\AWS_Win10EC2WorkStation_008\CSV-FilePickUp001

    The Bartender Integrations  worked just fine after that.


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