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Login failed for user 'Domain\user'. Reason: Failed to open the explicitly specified database 'Datastore'. [CLIENT: <local machine>]


2 commentaires

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    Xabier Clemente

    Hello Garrett,

    Welcome to the BarTender Community Forums!

    The connection in reference is probably not the one on the Label itself, but the Administration Console. Can you check within the Admin Console under the System Database tab, to see if you are able to run through and successfully connect using the System Database Connection Wizard? You can see a clickthrough below of how to locate this:

    Also, please take note of the information in the other box, and be sure the Schema version is available. If not, that is an indication that things aren't properly connected.

    Let me know how this goes, thank you!

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    Garrett Andresen

    Hello Xabier,

    Thank you for the reply. I clicked through the System Database Wizard as you noted, and it showed the below message. After going through that process I am still seeing the same type of entries in the event viewer. See screenshots below.




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