


Labels Will Print In Bartender But Will Not Print From Commander



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    Ian Cummings
    When running Commander as an application, and no credentials specified in the BarTender command handler, you should select the "Detection>Show all running BarTenders" menu item in order to make visible what the problem is. While testing, choose not to delete the data file when done so that when you examine the visible BarTender process, you will have a live view that should show where the mistake is.

    I suggest you take a look at the Commander trouble shooter document, as that should help you out:

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    Legacy Poster
    Thanks for the reply, Ian.

    I found something interesting when I used Show All Running BarTenders. It gives me Error Message # 3244, Database Schema Mismatch. The really interesting thing about this is that I believe it have it all set up correctly. When go into Database Setup, I can see that it thinks the BTW line is actually part of the data. Now, when I open the BTW outside of the one the system just opens for me and I go and view my sample data file, it looks fine. The fields match up. Clicked on my Text File - options, I have re-selected the file, specified I have First Record Has Field names, Clicked on Get Field Names - it all looks good using my Text File.

    Seriously, I really think the format is correct. I even created a new test file using the lines from my triiger file (minus the BTW/END of course). Refreshed it, got the fields, made sure it knew it has a header line, etc. Still - works fine in BarTender, does not work via Commander.

    When I bring it up via Show All Running BarTenders - and get that first error, if I tell it to do a Print Preview, it starts to tell me the this field does not work, if I say to Proceed without it, it just gives me the same error on the next field. These fields exist in the same file and in the trigger files. Both file types have headings and the BTW knows the heading is included.

    Why would it think my %BTW% line is part of the trigger file? I am using exactly the same header information as successful file format (with the exception of the BTW name). I tried viewing the BarTender process with a successful format - it shows the same thing - that it thinks the BTW line is part of the file - but I don't get any errors and it prints.
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    Legacy Poster
    I ended up completely recreating the problem labels. There did not seem to be any reason for the 'bad' one not knowing that the fields were in the target file (or maybe that it was treating the BTW/END as the header). Regardless, creating the label from scratch resolved my first problem.

    My second problem, instead of having two fields concatenated with special characters between (the characters were hadcode in the BTW - and this printed fine outside of Commander!), I changed the datasource to combine the fields WITH the special characters and put it all without quotes.
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    Ian Cummings
    If using Commander script where lines one and two have %BTW% and %END% respectively, and that the third line contains record header, then you need to specify the following commands in your Commander script:

    /R=3 (This indicates that the delimited data starts on row 3 of the trigger file.)

    /DbTextHeader=3 (This indicates that row 3 contains the record header of the delimited data.)
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    Ian Cummings

    I suggest you take a look at the new Integrations Platform in BarTender 2016: http://www.seagullscientific.com/label-software/barcode-label-design-and-printing/

