


Commander And Accounts



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    Legacy Poster

    Note, this beahavior happens even when we try to start Commander as app:



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    Legacy Poster

    You sound very angry ... 


    your second screenshot shows that you are opening commander with a different account versus running the service that controls commander.  I think you fail in understanding how the application is working.  This is how you know if commander is running as a service vs an application on the computer.  You should be aware that if you close commander while it is running as a application it will stop processing (I'm pretty sure)


    [attachment=1840:9-10-2015 1-43-40 PM.png]


    The account that is attached to the service can be found in services ... 


    [attachment=1841:9-10-2015 1-43-53 PM.png]

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    Legacy Poster



    I am not angry, English is not my native langage, and I do my best to keep the information short and clear, sorry.

    (not angry, but a little bit afraid because we will migrate our domain in two weeks, and by disabling accounts on old domain, we have no more labels)



    the logged account on the computer is on NEW_DOMAIN

    the service is attached with an account on NEW_DOMAIN (we already did what you had in your screenshots)

    Bartender can be started as a service, or as an application, no labels are coming when we disabled the account on OLD_DOMAIN


    There is for sure a link with bartender and the old account somewhere, but that's impossible to uderstand where it comes from.


    Thank a lot.

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    Legacy Poster

    Well, then I will apologize as well.


    Is it possible that your bartender service is also being run with the OLD_DOMAIN account in the Service properties?  When you disable the OLD_DOMAIN are you able to print a label from bartender on that machine or other machines?  Did you by chance set your License server service to run with the named OLD_DOMAIN credentials?

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    Ian Cummings

    I would guess that the cause is based on the fact that this is what you have configured in the command handler for the Commander task list.  Stop detection in Commander and select the "Detection>Command Handler Setup" menu item.  You'll probably find the credentials set under the "User Account" tab.

