/c=0 Prints 12 Labels
we recently discovered that Commander prints 12 labels when trigger file has switch /C=0. With "normal" copy amounts (1,2..) the Commander prints just fine.
dd example:
%BTW% /F="\\vp-print01\btprint\config\labels\velho\Potilastarra.btw" /P /PRN="\\vp-print01\HKI4gTestiTEC2" /D="%Trigger File Name%" /R=3 /DbTextHeader=3 /C=0
sukunimi etunimi hetu näytetyyppi näytepvm vapaateksti näyte laboratorio count
Testi Labra 030303-0303 12.04.2016 DNA eristys 16034475 HE 0
The count field is not used in printing. This is primarily a application problem, the user interface has "0" as default, but it seems to be a bug anyway. BT version is 10.1 and edition enterprise automation.
Having a copy of zero makes no sense as there will always be at least one copy if you want anything to print at all. Is BarTender perhaps just defaulting to whatever was already set in the document itself? Note that in BarTender 2016 the Commander application has been replaced by the Integration Platform.
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★ BarTender Hero ★
you are absolutely right. The problem lies in our LIMS which has possibility to print multiple labels (3 different labels to free selection of label printers in selectable quantities). Application creates .dd for each labeltype.
The UI has 0 as default in some fields, so if somebody prints 3 labels of label 1, the additional 12 labels of label 2 print as a bonus... We are going to make change req for that, but I just figured that in might be a bug. I'll check the labels if they do have default quantity set to some value.