


Passing Cr Lf With Commander Files



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    You can't pass CR character in a commander text file, because commander treats it as end-of-data for a label. 


    But I solved this problem by inserting the characters '<CR>' (not the carriage return character [Chr(13)]) into my data. 

    Then I added the following one line VB script to the OnProcessData event of the recieving object in the btw Format file:

    Value = Replace(Value, "<CR>", VbCrLf + VbCrLf)

    This causes all occurances of  the characters <CR> to be replace by a double set of carriage return + Linefeed.


    I used 2 VbCrLf constants because I wanted a blank line between paragraphs, but one VbCrLf constant will work for a new line w/o a blank line.  


    You can get to the VB scripting area in the format file by opening the object properties > data source tab > More Options button > VB Scripting tab. 

